World Laureate

Self-Aggrandizing Poetry Bullshit Sheriff and World's Greatest Living Poet Yiffes!! [jim behrle at gmail dot com]

5/20 Allison Cobb & Poet to Be Named Later
5/27 Tom Devaney & Frank Sherlock, Ana Bozicevic-Bowling
6/3 David Mills, Rigoberto Gonzalez & Jeff Allen
6/10 Brendan Lorber & Stacey Szymaszek
6/17 Ron Silliman & Jessica Smith
6/24 kari edwards memorial
7/1 Cedar Sigo & Tim Peterson

Readings start after 7
90 W. Houston NYC
Bring money for the passed hat and drinks

Please note cd longbox.

wither ăntī-karəərĭsm?

It's been almost a month since we've had an update on the alternative, anti-careerist careerist poetry conference.
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Turns out I am staying in the same villa as Katie Degentesh, in town to win some award. After a brief interlude of playing soccer on the Iranian side I am left in a large comfortable chair with a plate of 4 cookies spread out in a diamond. Naturally I eat the cookie at the bottom. Drew Gardner enters and shouts to Katie "Jim ate Casey!" These are cookies that somehow accompany a poem Katie has written called "Casey at the Bat." Casey was delicious, I tell Katie. Katie, put-out, tells me her mother baked them. I say something like I'm not the kind of guy you can leave next to a plate of cookies! Both stare at me as if I am the world's greatest asshole. Scene.
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